President Jim Steinmetz, VP Steve Wagner, Treasurer Cheri Goforth, Sec. Roy Gager
Meeting called to Order by our President at 10:00 a.m.
Health n Welfare, by Sue Rogers on numerous people that need out prayers.  Discussion about sending Get Well Cards to members and spouse by card or email.
Secretary Report, Minutes of February Meeting were read.  Motion to accept report as read was made, seconded, passed.
Treasurer Report, was made.  Total in all funds $5522.19  Motion to accept report as read was made, Seconded, motion carried.
Old Business,  Comments and recognition of Snowbird Field Day was made by President Jim Steinmetz. 53 attended, 11 Stations active, well run, Excellent food, Great because of the efforts of so many.  A special Thank You to Cheri Goforth for all her efforts that helped make this a special day.  Can we improve next time?
Discussion on the acceptance for applications deadline to the Bob Bingham Memorial Fund.  Forward to new business.
New Business, Honorary Membership to the Sunlife ARC that qualify.  Paid Members for 10 years or are 80 yrs old.  A list of eligible names was read by our President.
Gary Adams K7BGA
Daryl Bethea KG7GGG
Anna Bliss WA8VTS
Tom Goforth WY7TG
Cheri Goforth N7WEM
Jim Hood K5TT
Daryl Hurst K9QEW
Larry Jacobs AF7WV
John Jacques KD8PC
Norman Kellman AF7GJ
Larry Miller WA0BDN
john Mocho KC5QOC
Jim Moy AC7KD
Chuck Rock KK7KBU
Frank Rust AC0NN
Ora Smith  W9DJ
Ray Vaszquez K4RMV
Ron Wasko N8KX
John Hovdenes KE0BOF
List below.  A motion to accept these people listed was made, seconded, motion carried.
Christmas Party discussion now because of scheduling. Options, Organ stop Pizza, Venture Out, Catering, Golden Corral, Greenfield Village.  
Motion to use Organ stop Pizza again.  Motion failed.  That's out.  Next business meeting we will have more discussion on options.
Bob Bingham Scholarship Fund.  Applications acceptance extended to summer.  Discussion on how this fund is awarded and used by a recipient.  Will it be awarded directly to the chosen recipient?  The committee will decide the recipient.
Motion to extend acceptance of applications from March 20 to July 15th was made, 2nd, carried.
50/50 In attendance 41. $36 in pot. $18 each. Winner Bill McVicars KP0NJA
Motion to Adjourn made, 2nd, Carried @ 11:13 AM


2023-24 Qualified for Honorary Membership
Gary Adams k7GBA, Daryl Bethea K7GGG, Anna Bliss WA8VTS, 
Tom Goforth WY7TG, Cheri Goforth N7WEM, Jim Hood K5TT, John Hovdeness KE0BOF, Daryl Hurst K9QEW, Norm Kellman AF7GJ, Larry Miller WA0BDN, John Mocho KC5QOC, Jim Moy AC7RD, Chuck Rock KK7KBU, Frank Rust AC0NN, Ora Smith W9DJ, Ray Vasquez KK4RMV, Ron Wasko N8KX
           Sunlife AR Business Meeting February 5, 2024
President Jim Steinmetz, VP Steve Wagner, Treasurer Cheri Goforth, Sec. Roy Gager
!0:00 am.  A Presentation by Charles Brown NJ7V Experimenting and Operating radio outdoors from different locations.  Equipment used and yearly Contests.
10:37 am. Meeting Called to Order by our President Jim Steinmetz
Health & Welfare by Sue Rogers  Thank you for the card.  Keep all in your prayers.
Cancer especially.
Secretary Report, By Roy Gager was read.  Motion to accept as read. 2nd, Carried.
Treasurer Report. By Cheri Goforth was read.  Motion to accept as read, 2nd, Carried
Old Business,
Treasurer Audit Report competed, totals correct. Reported by Chuck Rogers. Motion to accept report made, 2nd, carried.
Equipment Audit Report completed, everything there.  Reported by George & Doug.
Motion to accept the report made. 2nd, carried.
Field Day February 28th Motion made to limit $200 for food. 2nd, carried.  There is a sign up sheet for attendance plus other items needed to bring side dish, condiments, snacks, drinks.  Another sign up sheet for transmit on what bands.
Judy commented , A Big Thank you to Dave Gardner for providing and cooking the Pancakes in the Park breakfast for the club members.  How great it was.  Very much appreciated.  Reminder to Thank Dave the next time he is here.
New Business
Next month Need to acknowledge people deserving to be eligible to become life members of Sunlife ARC.  Need to vote on.
Christmas Party Discussion, Oasis or Organ Pipe Pizza pros and cons.  Think about it.
Vote in March meeting.
Crystal Sculpture Award presented to
Joke of the day by Hugh KL7HM 
Meeting Adjourned, motion made, 2nd, carried @ 11:08 am.
Sunlife Radio Club Business Meeting December 18, 2023
President Jim Steinmetz, V.P. Steve Wagner, Treasurer Cheri Goforth, Secretary R Gager
Meeting called to Order at 10:03 a.m. by our President Jim Steinmetz
Health & Welfare by Sue Rogers  Terry Ryan’s Celebration of Life will be on January 13, 2024 in Peoria.  All are encouraged to attend.  The exact address will be on the website.  Terry was a respected member of our club.  
Minutes of the Previous Meeting were read.  Motion to accept made, 2nd, Carried
Treasurer’s Report Read. Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report Made, 2nd, Carried
There were 76 attending the Christmas Party which was a huge success.  A motion was made to reimburse the Treasurer the $50 tip at the Christmas Party. 2nd, carried.
Old Business
Volunteers needed , Treasurer’s Audit. Judy and Tony.  Nominating Committee. Judy, Tony, Dave Gardner.  Finance Audit Committee, Chuck, Sue Rogers, Anna.  Equipment Audit. Glen, Doug
The Scholarship Fund was changed to the Bob Bingham Memorial Fund.
Recommended Changes to the Constitution and Bylaws from Club Officers.
Change the Constitution to read.  The Monthly Business Meeting to be changed from the third Monday to the first Monday of the month unless that day is a Holiday.  Then it will be the next Monday of that month.
Change Bylaw Article 4 Section 1A When New Elected Officers assume duties.  Change the voting from March to December.
Some discussion why it is believed these changes are necessary and beneficial to the Club.
New Business  Changes to the Constitution and Bylaws per Recommendation of Officers
Constitution Article 7 Section one to read.  The Business Meeting will be on the first Monday of the month instead of the third Monday unless a Holiday is first Monday then it will be the following Monday of that Month.  Motion made, seconded, carried.
Change Bylaw Article one Section two.  Monthly Business Meeting to be the first Monday of the Month Unless a Holiday then the next Monday of that month.  And
Article four Section 1A  The election of Club Officers will be held at the Business Meeting in December.  The New officers will be introduced.  The new Officers will take over their duties starting in January.  Motion Made, 2nd, carried.
With the new changes a Motion was made to accept the Current Officers to continue their duties into the new year by acclamation.  Each Officer was asked individually if they accepted the nomination.  The current Officers agreed to accept.
Doc brought up the changes needed for the applications to the Bob Bingham Scholarship Fund.
Nothing decided.  Postpone to the next Business Meeting.
50/50  $44 in Pot.  $22 to K7NEX Richard.  $22 to Scholarship Fund  44 in attendance.
Motion to adjourn, second, carried at 11:08 a.m.
  Sunlife ARC Business Meeting January 8, 2024
President Jim Steinmetz, VP Steve Wagner, Treasurer Cheri Goforth, Sect. Roy gager
Meeting called to Order at 10:00 a.m. by our President Jim Steinmetz
Health and Welfare by Sue Rogers,   K7MAD Dave’s daughter has cancer.  Please keep her and others with cancer in your prayers.
Tom Goforth reported  Rick McGavin, Miss Anna, have Covid.
Minutes of Previous Meeting were read.  There was a correction noted about the December 50/50 Where Dave K7NEX donated his portion back to the club. 
Motion made to accept the minutes with this correction was made, 2nd, carried.
Treasurer’s Report was read.  Motion made to accept report as read, 2nd, carried.
Old Business  Change to applications for Bob Bingham Scholarship fund to be received by the first part of April, voted on, made available for fall session.  Discussion, Recipient must have a Ham License.  Amount is $500
Presentation from Bill Mader of ADXA ( Albuquerque DX Association ) about noise problem, noise challenge, interference causes, solutions, grounding, and bonding
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Next week January 15th, A Sunlife guest speaker Herb Goodluck, the son of John Goodluck, a WWII Code Talker, will give a presentation. 
Pancake Breakfast on Thursday February 1,2024 at 8 - 9:30 a.m. Red Mountain Park
by Dave.  Please sign up to attend so the amount of persons is known.
Reminder of Hamfest this Saturday and Terry Ryan’s Celebration of Life at his Daughter’s.  Address is on the Sunlife web site.
50/50  42 Present, $37 in pot, $18.50 each for club and winner AB0LV
Motion to Adjourn, 2nd, carried at 11:20 a.m.
Roy Gager -KD9WRC
Secretary of Sunlife Amateur Radio club


Meeting called to order at 10:00 Arizona Time by our President Jim Steinmetz
Health & Welfare Brief report on member Terry Ryan’s condition.
Minutes if Previous Meeting not available at this time.
Treasurer,s report. Not available, Treasurer absent.
OLD Buisness. Report not available at this time.1
1. Discussion about Router and Laptop connection of microphone for future meeting.
2.VP Steve Wagner made request for club to sponsor Wednesday Night 7 PM 6 meter
net 50.140 frequency. Request for a motion, motion made and seconded, motion
carried. Also a separate request for a motion to give permission to VP Wagner to
change Club’s website to accomplish this. Motion made and seconded, motion
3. Discussion on the this Clubs season’s schedule. Need for presentations by club
members. Keep it simple. Doesn’t have to be complex or lengthy.
4.Prayer request for conflict in Israel that is happening at this time.
5. Discussion about money in the Club’s Treasury to do the most good. Nothing
decided a this time.
6. Discussion about Clubs Calendar of events. Has Organ Pipe Pizza been contacted
for annual party?
7. Reminder of Club member Art Hoffman W7ART memorial Service on November 18th
at Elkslodge.
Story Time. Kidnapped in Tiland by Terry W7RNF.
Joke Time By Bill Maynard
50/50 $23.00 won by “OH NOT AGAIN” $11.50 for Club Treasury $ 11.50 for WEARB.
Approximately 10:44 Meeting adjourned
Attended by Number of Members


By Roy Gager KD9WRC