Sunlife Business Meeting Minutes

18 March 2019

Meeting called to order 1000 by President Jerry Davis

Returning/New Members New—Larry Eldridge KF7DYM; Leaving—Glen & Jerry returning to Alaska, Earl Palmer leaving on 27th

Health and Welfare --Larry Aubuchon fell 1 and ½ weeks ago, his wife, Alice had blockage in heart, stent not working, in Banner Heart hospital. Hugh's wife, Vicki, had hip replacement, doing well. Mike Sauger's wife in now for heart procedure. Nick Spencer had bad bladder infection in December, doing better now, will be back with us soon.

Minutes of previous business meeting (18 Feb) read and approved as read.

Treasurer's Report-- Current Bank Balance $2293.92, petty cash $196.25. Moved and seconded to approve report as read. Vote, majority Aye, one nay, motion carried.

Old Business – Bob B reported on classes and postage charges. Classes produced 4 Extras, 3 Generals, and 5 techs. Postage from sending in results of 46 VE sessions since August with 155 applicants processed mostly new licenses or upgrades. Nationwide, 19% of hams are Extra Class, in this club 60% are Extras.

New Business – Tom and Jerry (don't laugh) are going to LaPaz county in May to deliver Raspberry Pi equipment to that club.

Committee Reports

Audit Committee – Books are in great shape.

Inventory Committee – All equipment located, we have excess and unused equipment, will post equipment list on website. MOTION –auction off unneeded equipment and put proceeds into Education Fund. Seconded, Passed.

Authorization to make one scholarship available next year.

Nomination Committee—no additional nominations for the proposed slate of Club officers: President, Jerry Davis; Vice President, Sue Rogers; Secretary, Chuck Rogers; Treasurer, Cliff Bean.

MOTION: Accept proposed slate by acclimation , seconded, Passed

Badge orders-- now being accepted—see Frank after meeting.


Announcements – Titan Missile Museum trip this coming Thursday, 21 March.

George run library meeting on Thursday.

Electronics class this afternoon.

FoxHunt at Red Mountain Park this weekend. Byon will have equipment there if you want to participate.


Closing Activities:


Education Fund drawing-- $55 with $27.50 to Ed fund, $27.50 to winner, K7JLF.

Attendance = 40 persons signed in

Nets: Paulette Monday, Terry Wednesday,

Adjourned – 1030.

Golden Corral Day